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January 01, 2012


Llama Momma

You made my day with this post!!! So glad to hear from you again. And three boys??? AWESOME! :-)

Teacher Ang

So glad you are back, Jenny! You were missed. Especially glad that things are looking up for you! You deserve every happiness life has to offer!!


She lives! We've missed you. You finally convince me to blog and then you drop out of sight. So glad to have you back. Looking forward to following the adventures of you and the three princesses and now Prince Charming and the three little princes.


I agree with all of the above. It is GREAT to see a post from you again. I look forward to reading more from you. And maybe your new blogging energy will be catching and I'll get my second wind too. Love, Mom


Hooray!!! So happy things are so much better for you and being at sea is over ... always enjoy your posts. I agree with MOM and AL!!!
God's richest blessings to you!


Was so excited to see you show up in my reader! Welcome back!


I'm late to the party because its been so long its taken me a week to remember the name of your blog. Today it finally came to me. I'm glad things are looking up up up!

Sleepless in OL

The rabbit was great for you and me- my across the hall neighbor :) Glad you are back!

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